Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Gospel of John tells us “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” (John 14:2).
Based on the planning study results, we have decided to launch a capital campaign. During this discussion, this scripture came up. The Lord has most appropriately led our leadership to it, for in the passage, Jesus tells us what he is doing – blazing a trail to heaven for those who have faith. Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” of our community, and we must put him firmly in charge of our ministry and follow him. He goes to the Father to build the Father’s house. He goes to prepare one for each of us, but that does not mean he is not concerned with this world as well. But he leaves this world for us, so that under his guidance, we are his presence in the world until he comes again. Jesus asks us to act boldly for our faith.
The parish leadership and I have continual conversations about how to best accomplish what Jesus asks us to do for our community. God has blessed our prayer, efforts, and discernment and allows many wonderful things to happen at St. Patrick Catholic Church. We give praise and glory to God for all these things. We pray that we will continue to build up the Kingdom of God in our neighborhood and draw more people to Jesus. This is why our theme for this campaign is Building up Gainesville’s Families, Faith, and Future. It is my prayer that in building up our church, we will build up all the families that come to us for generations.
Now we seek to build a dwelling place for the priests. A new rectory, built much closer to campus, will allow my brothers and me to serve you all better. The rectory will have sound infrastructure built for years to come for all the leaders of St. Patrick. Should we be blessed with more generosity, extending the convent at St. Augustine will allow for more religious sisters to witness to the gospel and assist in our ministries, schools, and programming which will bear profound spiritual fruit in our parish community.
Sharing our resources with the church is also a way of honoring God, who sacrificed his only Son for us. Since we cannot outdo God in generosity, whatever sacrifices we make will not go unrecognized by him who sees all that is done and chooses to make a place for us with him. I am confident we will all participate in whatever way we can, actively and conscientiously, to make our campaign a success and continue to build on the foundations our community has from over 135 years ago.
I am pleased that Bishop Pohlmeier has renewed my appointment as pastor of St. Patrick, as we still have so much to accomplish for the glory of God. As always, I ask for your prayers for this project, and finally, your generous support. May God bless this work we have begun and bring it to completion.
May God bless and keep you,
Fr. Lawrence Peck